GIFTS EMBROIDERY ON ADHESIVE This is my first tutorial, so I hope to do well. But first I must apologize for the quality of the pictures are moving, my camera is broken. The photo is the result of my first job with this technique, that still needs trimming and framing.
had the idea to do this tutorial in a while, but Pilar
had the idea of \u200b\u200ba blog
for this holiday season and so continue with our work, girls explain it several different techniques and this is what I will.
start with the explanation of the materials: photocopy of drawing what we want to double-sided tape (from craft stores or hardware stores, is used to bond carpet), balls of colors that we like I use the trademark "Villa No. 12," these are the colors I used: Black (must be that with him we will go around the picture), White, 1166; 1227; 1232; 1237; 1915; 2615, 2720, 3324, 3822, 4396, 7933 and the punch (left photo to make it look better, handle says "Reig 8").
leave some links from which you can download pictures, I took one of them which we do in this tutorial: , , / page_1 . It can be done with any picture that we like, I have seen landscapes, paintings of famous painters, etc., And can make a picture, invitation, greeting card, etc., Etc.
Let the first step, we take the picture and put the tape very carefully because you can not mount a piece on another (but the picture would get very ugly waves), but a very together with the other, or the entire drawing has to be covered with tape and we take only the piece you need to cover the picture and save tape.
When we have finished placing the tape, we started to hit the wire, the first thing is that the principle can not be despelusado thread, so we must cut it with a dry cut end whenever we go to start.
Now we can start putting the wire, lift the cover from the tape and started to where we like: First bordered the flower center, helping with the punch to be putting the thread around the edge and do a dry cut, placing the scissors so very close to drawing.
Then we until we have all around the flower bordered with black:
Now set the color, always helping us with the punch we fill the drawing slowly:
corners To put the thread, we pushed a little to the punch and turn the thread into place:
As we complete the picture, do the following: place the protective tape and to punch back tight, as if we drew lines, so that the wire is securely attached to the tape.
And when we are tired of working, with the protective cover drawing, so as not to spoil us and put the thread (if it is not necessary to cut) as indicated in the picture.
these steps to finish the whole picture, notice that we will always skirting around the edge of the drawing until you go closing off areas of the thread (see white areas next to the blue and purple flower) when we can no longer pass thread to complete the outline, cut the string and populate the area eg next to the blue flower, then that is next to the house, then would continue for the rest of the drawing, filling, and the outline of what we go running be filled and so the whole picture:
When we have finished placing all threads, we get this result:
Now we must remove the protective tape and cut all around, very carefully not to cut the thread. What I do is cut first with a big scissors as close to the boundary and then with small scissors I cut around the edge. This makes it more comfortable.
And this is the end result, I place them in a box and I'm giving to my nephew.
If someone decides to do I would like to leave me a comment to put the link in my blog.
I hope my explanation is clear, but if you have any questions leave me a comment and will solve. Thanks