Friday, March 19, 2010

Andouille Alternatives


(Photo: SuperStock )

For a heterosexual man, felt a hand patting one the hostess is usually disturbing. It is worse if the hand in question happens to be male. But it becomes traumatic when the hand belongs to a male, and when it fumbles the back of his trousers own encounters with a gluteus maximus where it should be a portfolio.

Men, unlike women, tend to carry their purses close to your body so that eventually become part of them. Just as there are organs that secrete bile acid and blood, your wallet is like financial gland, which secretes a hormone called money, facilitating the process known as consumerism. As with any body, has to be kept well-stocked portfolio, that does not cause trouble. But above all we must keep in mind that a sudden amputation of the portfolio can be extremely painful.

wallet extractions are usually performed by talented professionals eligible to perform the procedure with or without anesthesia. But there are careless people who wear clothes very loose and thus conducive to self-induced loss. Whatever

practiced, the sudden carteroctomía invariably leaves an individual disoriented, confused and undercapitalized. There is no point having swollen bank accounts of money because then you lose access to them and to other resources. You may be dressed in a fine and face, but actually as poor as the guy who asks for money at traffic lights in rags.

As if instant impoverishment was not problem enough, the loss or theft of the portfolio carries a lot of problems more serious due to the dual role it plays. Not only is the bearer of our financial resources, but also is a repository of all those important documents that attest to who we are: driver's license, ID cards, video club membership, preferred customer cards, etc. For a time we are forced to wander the world without anyone to prove that we deserve credit when buying or are authorized to drive. More

losing money and documents is not the worst. At the end of the day, sooner or later manage to replace. But what nothing and no one ever will replace the card with so much tenacity we sacrifice to fill stickers in exchange for a free sandwich. Now that's tragic.


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