Friday, July 30, 2010

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Why the periodicity

(Photo: Daniel Grill )

sometimes defend the things you do is an uphill battle, especially if one has a whimsical spirit and has a habit of doing things illogical, unexpected or absurd. For just one example. Recently

commented on the flood of information that overwhelms us all and each of the inhabitants of the modern world. Via print, radio, television or electronic data sprawl endlessly through our eyes and ears, inexorably until our brains, which saturate the cognitive processes in an ocean of knowledge precipitate. Therefore, any person with an iota of sanity would be lining up to insulate the basement of this attack on the senses. Instead, the server you bought a newspaper subscription.

With so many less frivolous things which could have wasted my money, like a bottle of champagne with gold chips floating in a clock or bulletproof, a newspaper subscription continues to be pretty crazy. Especially when you consider that newspapers do not fail me in my daily life. Of the eight or ten newspapers published in the country, I have regular access to almost everyone. In my house we subscribe to two. In the office received another. If you visit a restaurant, you can get the rest. And of course, each and every one of these journals are available on the Internet. What then? Why a Subscription?

After long pondering, a conclusion I have reached is ... I really like print newspapers. There is something in them that carries an enchantment over me indisputable. The experience so delightfully similar to turn the pages of a newspaper is absent in the new technologies. They are also relatively permanent and indifferent to power failures or computer crashes. Delete a web site is easy, but deleting any and all copies of a newspaper once they have been distributed is impossible.

The experience of reading a newspaper has a charm all its own. Soon joined by a fold, the newspaper pages include information from all over the world in a fixed and invariable order: national, world, business, society, culture and sports. Although it is possible to read the entire newspaper, very few people do it and in this, me included. In my case, but I always try to read the paper in its entirety, to start reading the sports section I am overcome a loathing so strong that makes me leave the newspaper at that time. The business section is also used to cause the same effect, but every time I see it more closely. It may be a sign of maturity, who knows. Hopefully not.

But leaving aside my well-known romance of the printed forms of communication, the other reason why I decided to subscribe is that every newspaper is different. In this country we have an official newspaper, two ultra-conservatives, two progressive and intellectual cutting and three yellow. Due to the different markets we are targeting, how to report each newspaper is usually different in tone, theme and design. I usually read the articles contain in-depth analysis and comprehensive coverage of cultural events, all presented in subtle colors and elegant layout. The other newspapers are characterized by its many photos of disasters, road accidents, violence and girls in bikinis. Anyone surprised that those are the major newspapers?

Now, we answer the question asked above. Why a Subscription? Because I have very specific reading tastes and acquire intellectual cutting newspaper makes me feel all a member of the country's cultural elite. Do subscribe to a newspaper over something wise in view of the computer saturation crisis? Well of course not. The pile of unread newspapers at home increases every day, causing neurosis and stress in this reader, whom his delusions of grandeur I have made it virtually impossible to catch up with their reading backward. But such is life when you're a snob cultural . If it were easy, there would be this delicious.


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