Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Black Purple + step *

fun I bring a manicure done, and that few things can put it into practice! Only takes several glazes and a sponge, in addition to the normal tools we use to make a normal manicure.

first picture I leave the outcome to whet your appetite and then I put the pictures of step by step quickly.

I am inspired to make this manicure our friend Monique, lol that made a with the same technique recently and I came ganillas ^ ^ Basically, the process has been different, because I also printed a detailed than with the sponge technique.

As you can see the result is very nice and it seems complicated, but it is not! With little skill so you can put into practice with your favorite colors ^ ^

The steps I followed were these:

And these materials that I used, but as I say is a totally customizable and secure conseguis an effect of the more professional and it works, I encourage you all to put it into practice!

Once done you may have degraded with the sponge (the fun of the technique) can put the finishing touches as you wish, using a pebble, a flower, glitter, etc. or stamping, as I have done. And yet there are still more colorful.

Here you can see better the effect gradient obtained with sponge


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