Friday, March 11, 2011

Free Fish Tank Clipart

in H & M *

Preciosos colores los que nos presenta H&M como novedad en su colección Primavera Verano!! En cambio a los esmaltes de Spring Nails que saco hace poquito, que no me llamaron la atención en absoluto en cuanto a colores y cobertura... los esmaltes de tamaño grande traen nuevas preciosidades veraniegas. Y eso que en mi tienda mas cercana no tienen la sección completa de cosmética, solo un pequeño stand... Supongo que las afortunadas que tengáis una tienda con la sección Full'll be very happy:)

Well here are the pictures of the two glazes that came with me.

Super fresh
truth? ^ ^

Here you have some swatches for a closer you appreciate the wonderful Shimer amarillito leading tone, and a blue Smurf for this Summer's so vibrant.
''''Going Bananas

''U''Must Have This

The best part? The price and quality to which we have used H & M in their glazes. For me they are a cult lol. Whenever I happened to see that bring new and no doubt for a second to buy if the color I like, I'm sure they are opaque and durable:)

Here I tried it on the nail to teach as there are seats. I applied two coats, but with a generous covering very well. Pardon my dryness! jajaja

Photo Flash

Photo without flash

And here this little review on the new glazes H & M. ..

We'll see you soon in action at my nails! xD


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