Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Midtown Madness Demo Za Darmo

( Photo: Michael Chrisman )

trucks filled with earth Awesome start to an unknown destination, leaving behind clouds of dust and a giant hole in the ground that grows and deepens with each passing day. Are they looking for hidden treasures? Or perhaps the bones of a dinosaur? Will they want to trade with China without having to use boat? Not so. What happens is they want to get too high, but that has to start very low.

seems that each day starts construction of a building. Hundreds of workers work with heavy machinery to open tremendous gaps and prepare the ground for another outbreak it leviathan of steel, glass and concrete. Another.

's no secret that over the past fifty years, the metropolis has been populated by a growing number of vertical real estate. Gradually the profile of the city has gone from being flat spines. The buildings are everywhere and there for every purpose: to work or live, for uses of state or to serve entrepreneurs. They come in all colors and all styles. Some are very cute and there are creepy.

But not everyone knows is that all buildings in this country share a feature. Each and every one, are forever.

Unlike other countries, where the buildings they pass their expiry date disappear in a cloud of powder and dynamite, this is unthinkable to perform a controlled demolition. And not because they have an awareness of conservation of architectural heritage: it is simply cheaper to buy other land and build a new skyscraper. And so as the city spreads horizontally, filling with new buildings everywhere as an apartment properties disappear at a rapid clip.

Y is the same as the city increases its collection of buildings charged for years with broken elevators, floors ruined and decaying facades. Almost makes you want to happen some apocalyptic disaster to clean up the picture of all the useless old fogies.

But wanting to stop the construction of buildings may be a mistake. Perhaps what this city needs is the opposite: many more buildings. Hundreds. Miles. All built close together, at the same height. So, eventually may join the terraces of all and then paved over, creating an artificial plateau located tens of meters above the ground. And on this plateau, it could grow grass and plant trees. And so the city could start again.


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