Monday, March 15, 2010

Pokemon: Dawn Is Pregnant


(Photo: Jekaterina Nikitina )

While the cold water rushed toward me, I wondered if I could get there in time to the Intensive Care Unit that I saved my limbs of hypothermia.

This was not always so. Thanks to the wonders of propane gas in my home never lacked hot water in more than a quarter century. Our faithful Heater Junkers worked tirelessly heating up tons of water, year after year. The only drawback to this heating system is a bad habit of gas cylinders to run out mid shower. Never run out sooner or later, always depleted when we are covered with soap and we have to rinse. Every two or three months the entire neighborhood has been livened up with a cacophonous series of exclamations of surprise and horror, followed by prayers out loud for someone to change the cylinder bloodless full one.

But apart from these occasional annoyances, the Junkers religiously fulfilled its work until one day he could not do it anymore. A faulty gasket caused a leak that had to be implemented without delay. Due to the age of the device, technicians recommended a new one. How? Will changing the Junkers? Unthinkable, if practically is a member of the family! Technicians shrank Live shoulders at such a gesture of solidarity, and proceeded to remove the heater to take to the workshop.

Junkers The absence of left us all heartbroken but also without hot water. The only way to heat water was the old, put a pot of water on the stove and then take a shower to bathe palanganazo clean. This primitive form of ablution is not a problem for those who lived their lives in the days before water heaters. But for those who have been accustomed to the convenience of hot water by simply turning a key and without having to carry it from the kitchen, this process is barbaric and outdated. To say that collides head on with our laziness.

The need for personal hygiene and my reluctance to carry pots I took the decision to bathe without hot water. And that's how I found myself in the costume of Adam, ready to receive the brunt of the icy water. Thoroughly lathered, I could not longer delay the inevitable and opened the faucet.

Then I started hearing a piercing howl that made me mourn for the poor animal suffering in this way. After a while I realized it was me who ripped the stillness of the night that way. While I washed, the water droplets falling on me felt like pins through the dermis. My numb fingers could hardly hold the soap and let it fall several times. At that time not to be grateful heart taking a shower in a penitentiary.

As I write this, the Junkers good friend is already back in the house, heating our water again. Some say that cold water baths are good for the skin, but I personally do not miss my feet rub vigorously with a towel to avoid losing them at the mercy of gangrene.


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